Board Members
Dian Bietel
Evan Burdette
Anna Bush
Bettie Champion
Theresa Davidson
Charles McLeod
Tara McCook
Bethany Metzger
Bryant Olson
Renee Paul
Forrest Raley
Janine Stebbins
Tim Wicker
Chance Hall, President
Karen Green, Vice President, Membership
Michelle Rogers, Vice President, Marketing
Mary Parker Raley, Recording Secretary
Susan Thomas, Corresponding Secretary
Julie Hoagland, Treasurer
Public Relations
Social Media/Technology
Yard of Month
Public Safety/Government Affairs
Historic Preservation /Mobile Historic Development Commission
Special Events
If you would like to become a board member or volunteer on an ODWA committee, please send an email to info@odwa.org.
1. Board members are responsible for attending monthly board meetings to plan monthly, review finances, and provide updates on committee activities.
2. Board members serve on various committees.
3. Board members participate in organization activities and other community related meetings.
We are working closely with the City of Mobile and other historic districts in community development processes. It's an exciting time for Midtown Mobile and The Old Dauphin Way Association. Come help to make a difference.